Potential candidates for front of Dick’s Creek site

After removing the outgrowth of cassia/senna from the bank of Dick’s Creek it has left an area of grass which needs restoration. It also removed a screening service which was being performed by the Cassia so a replacement species was required that would tick a few boxes

  • It needed to be a smaller tree that would not interfere with nearby powerlines or produce obsticles or debrey for the adjacent road and driveway.
  • It needed to be able to work as a screening bush and preferably had to be quick growing so it could fulfil this role as quickly as possible.
  • It was preferable that it would be a food source for the native birdlife
  • Obviously, a nicer looking plant would be appreciated as well being just off the street

I attended the Lake Macquarie Landcare Resource centre and spoke to an onsite expert who pointed out which suitable plants were available from the LC nursery.

They were:

I believe the best ‘fit’ to the requirements is Acacia longifolia.

Apparently the birds love the flowers, it is quick growing and a great screening tree. Hopefully it is not too late in the season to get them bedded in.