Fighting Fishbone Fern – 3hrs – 09.11.2019
Spring is here and the weather has been perfect to get some bush regeneration sorted.
Spring is here and the weather has been perfect to get some bush regeneration sorted.
I attended the Lake Macquarie Landcare Resource centre and spoke to an onsite expert who pointed out which suitable plants were available from the LC nursery.
We have a tentative landcare working bee scheduled for the 27th of this month at 9.00am. Come along if you can…
After getting the majority of Mist flower and Crofton weed out from the bottom of Dick’s creek fall a few weeks ago, the remaining has been niggling me to finish it off. My kids kept me company while I addressed the section under the overhang. It was a short session but I achieved my objective … Continue reading Weekend weed bash – 17.03.2019 – 2 hrs
Had a call from Dick’s Creek Landcare Support Officer today (Daniela Oldfield) who confirmed that Dick’s Creek Landcare Group has been officially approved and I can now start to build the group. I am not sure how many local residents will be interested in weeding on their weekend but I intend to find out. I … Continue reading Dick’s Creek Landcare Group is Official – 14.03.2019
Dick’s creek landcare group is working to restore the creek and surrounding bush to it’s natural state. Dick’s creek is located in Lake Macquarie, NSW. It begins before Hallam St, in Charlestown and ends when it joins Johnson creek near Oakdale Rd, near Gateshead. However, Dick’s creek landcare group is current focused on the small … Continue reading Dick’s Creek Bush Restoration