Working Bee – 04.01.2025

I could not ignore the infestation of palm grass growing on the south bank at the bottom of first fall. It has been getting steadily stronger for the last 12 months so that became my starting point this morning. I forgot to grab a photo so that will have to come later… Fred and Sandra … Continue reading Working Bee – 04.01.2025

Working Bee – 01.01.2025

New years Eve. What a great day to make a little more progress on the target area. I have been feeling the need to give the plantings some water but it has been quite the struggle to get down the creek to gather some water and then back to the plants. So, to make the … Continue reading Working Bee – 01.01.2025

Working Bee – 08.12.2024

Another productive working bee today. I was originally thinking of removing the lantana in  a linear fashion but I noticed the bower bird fly off when I arrived at the site so I decided to keep a distance from it’s bower (the structure on the ground). Strangely, it was a female that flew off while … Continue reading Working Bee – 08.12.2024

Working Bee – 17.11.2024

I was in the mood to tackle some lantana today but as always, priorities changed. As I walked past ‘site A’ I was disturbed by the density of privet. Lantana contributes but it is the privet that has taken hold at this location. I had previously cleared this area and for this reason, there is … Continue reading Working Bee – 17.11.2024